
  • 本人任職港澳信義會明道小學多年,感恩過去能見證學生的成長、學校的蛻變,也感謝歷任校長為本校奠定穩健的根基,本人將承傳學校以基督教精神提供全人教育,培養學生在德、智、體、群、美、靈性等各方面均衡發展。




    現今世代正面臨巨大轉變,進入了一個飄忽莫測、繁雜模糊的時代(VUCA society),教育要造就堅強的一代,需要擁有學會學習(learning to learn)的能力,才能應付日後的挑戰。我們深信培育學生能力與品德,建立他們的未來技能(future skills)至為重要。本校將會繼續投放資源優化校本課程,提供多元化學習體驗,照顧學生學習多樣性,讓他們愉快有效地學習,達至「學生為本、信愛為望、專業為上、質素為要、領袖為重、基督為榮」。

    Having served in Ming Tao for years, I am grateful that I have been able to witness the growth of our students and the transformation of our school, first-hand. I am also thankful to the previous principals for laying the solid foundations from which we continue to build and grow. I am dedicated to the school’s mission to offer, amid the belief in Christ, an all-rounded education that encourages and enhances the development and growth of the students morally, academically, physically, socially, aesthetically and spiritually; as well as promoting their sense of commitment to the community and to mankind as a whole.

    "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." – ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭22:6‬ ‭NIV‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

    To help our students achieve physical, mental, social, and spiritual health, besides a general practice of cultivating positive values, it is also important to sow the seeds of truth in students' hearts and guide them to learn about Christ at an early age.

    At MTPS, we believe that education is most effective when it is student-oriented as every individual has their own unique strengths and characteristics. Therefore, the school is devoted to providing a diverse array of opportunities to enable our students to develop their potential. With a diversified curriculum and sufficient learning experiences, we shall help our students discover their God-given talents, establish their positive values and cultivate spiritual fruits.

    Approaching a world full of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, the current generation face tremendous changes. Education nowadays needs to nurture students and instill in them the knowledge and skills required to meet the challenges of the future. We believe that it is extremely important to cultivate students’ abilities and virtues, promoting a practice of self-directed learning and personal independence. Our school will continue to optimize the school-based curriculum, providing a diversified learning experience that caters to students’ learning differences; enabling them to learn happily and effectively.

    To that end we will achieve our goals of being student-oriented, being hopeful with faith and love, upholding professionalism, demonstrating quality teaching, providing solid leadership and last, but never least, glorifying our Lord.
