
  • 「教育是為了裝備孩子的未來」,校長十分認同這句話。




    我們舉辦了一系列的科學實驗和探索活動,如:STEAM Day、勇者再冒險、π Day Challenge等,以培養學生的創造力和批判思維能力。這些活動鼓勵學生主動參與,通過親身體驗和實際動手來學習科學原理和方法。這樣的教育方法有助於孩子們發展創造力和解決問題的能力,這些能力在未來的科技社會中至關重要。

    我們亦舉辦了一系列的才藝匯演,如:午間音樂會、閃耀舞台,亦參加了不同的演講比賽,如:童你說故事、Tell a Tale等,培養同學的表達能力和自信心。這些活動提供了學生們展示自己才華和能力的平台。透過這些比賽,孩子們學會了表達自己的想法,學習了公眾演講的技巧,並且在同儕和觀眾面前展示了他們的才華。




    “Education is to equip children for the future.” As the school principal, I sincerely agree with this statement.

    As early as over a thousand years ago, Han Yu pointed out in his writing, On the Teacher, that “it takes a teacher to transmit the Way, impart knowledge and resolve doubts.” Education is about passing down life principles, teaching professional knowledge, and solving difficult questions. Proverbs 22:6 states, “train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” This is exactly for the purpose of preparing children for their future and ensuring that they act wisely on the path of life.

    Stepping to the 21st century, children face a greater horizon of possibilities. For the new generation to find their own way, schools need to equip children with the ability of lifelong learning, self-management, and interpersonal communication. So that they can confidently embrace the future world and respond to the demands of the society’s rapid development. Therefore, education is not just about imparting knowledge, but more importantly, providing children with the skills and values they need in their future lives.

    Ming Tao Primary School upholds the comprehensive development of students. In recent years, we have organized many meaningful activities to cultivate the abilities that students need in various aspects. These activities are a concrete manifestation of the teaching philosophy that “education is to prepare children for the future.”

    We have held a series of scientific experiments and exploration activities to nurture students’ creativity and critical thinking skills. These activities encouraged active participation and learning scientific principles and methods through hands-on experience. Such educational methods contribute to the development of children's creativity and problem-solving abilities, which are crucial in the future technology-driven society.

    We have also organized a series of talent shows. Students also participated in various speech contests to boost their expressive skills and self-confidence. These activities provided platforms for students to showcase their talents and capabilities. Through these competitions, children learned to express their ideas, acquired public speaking skills, and demonstrated their talents in front of peers and audiences.

    We attach great importance to character education and emphasize the cultivation of right values and moral qualities. In classrooms and campus life, our school actively promotes students’ social responsibility and civic awareness. We organized various environmental protection, physical and mental health, and volunteer activities to encourage students to care about the needs of individuals, others, and the world. Through these activities, students learned to care about the others and the society and develop a sense of responsibility.

    “Education is to equip children for the future.” “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) Our school persist in guiding children in the right direction, cultivating their positive values and behavioral norms. Through various activities and teaching methods, we are committed to teaching Ming Tao’s children to grow on the right path and carry these values and norms through their lives.
